Sunday, December 28, 2008

FUCK WENDY's and their security guard.

we almost got like manslaughtered by a chris henry lookin mothafucka lol

This is Chris Henry:


Minus the hair, and add 3 tear drop tatoos under the right eye.

this dude almost fuckin kidnapped and raped us

we just came back from the hoffman thearter to see Yesman. [good inspirational/funny movie no bullshit!]

we were gonna go to McDonalds, but I was like nahh, that mcdonalds sucks, wendys is better..

So we hit wendy's.. and there he was off standing to the side looking like an average man looking for food. Then the store slowly emptied....
There was a metro security guard in there but he left!

He stared down me and lydell, un-manly...

After i ordered my food, he came up to the little wendys christmas tree and leaned over right infront of me! I thought i was about to get snatched up or somethin lls, so i stayed quiet till somethin happened. I was ready to just knock his ass down, we all stomp em out and run for our lives lls. he grabbed a lil decorated box that looked like a gift, but It was an empty box and he walked back to where he was at.

Then it was Lydells turn to order........
he starred down lydell for like 3 minutes.
lydell popped open his sidekick to text somebody and tha dude leans over lydells shoulder and says "Yeaaa, ill see you later"........thats when things got scary. Dude was obviously from jail with tha teardrop tats. He was either tryin to rob wendys, or rape us.

then he patted his pocket and kept shakin his head "yeaa"..

then he started sayin "Ay Dont I Know You" to the lady making my frenchfries and frosty and shit.

she ignored him and so did we. He kept starring down lydell!
I told my manz B.Soober and Rahmell imma choke that guy if he grabs lydell, we gon stomp em out, and RUN!!!

After lydell got his food, we walked toward the door and the guy followed....sorta. then he stopped to bother the people at the register some more.....

as soon as we got out the door we HAULED ASS!!!!!!! to the car, ZOOMED out the parking lot and was like mann FUCK we shoulda went to McDonalds!!!!! i dont even remember opening the car door i just remember being in it and screaming for Brian to drive fast!!! I swear to god i thought we were gonna die that night.....I hope that dude gets caught like fuckin deers or somethin n gets locked up, dats one scary ass dude to even look at......damn it feels good to be alive!

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