Friday, January 2, 2009

Mike Vick to Dallas?

micheal vick Pictures, Images and Photos

Okay, i didn't see this coming....AT all.
Its not reality yet, but its not hard to believe. Jerry Jones believes in giving
criminals second chances. Pacman couldnt stop shooting at hookers, Tank couldnt stop doing whatever he was doing, and Vick has always been a badass. He finally straightened out when he got to the NFL, but it was only for the sake of his career.
He still did his little shit on the side, which was Dog fighting.
Now. Does the media REALLY need to be on 24 hour coverage because a nigga fought a few dogs? A little girl in DC was found with a leg and an arm missing. Why not 24 hour coverage on the Cannibal that did that?
Well, anyway.
Yes. Jerry Jones is talking to the man. Possibilities of WR? backup QB? he might even take the starting spot, who knows? that would be a nasty threat right there...
Vick to the 40, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, TOUCHDOWN DALLAS!

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