Monday, February 16, 2009

Chris Brown Vs. Rihanna's face

Word on the street is, Rihanna cheated...Gave Chris Brown herpes, and caused him to go upside her head. I don't think thats what happened...come on now, who didnt hear Umbrella? She loves this guy she wouldn't cheat? Anyone else agree?

Well even if she did, i think it had to have been with Jay-Z. I mean, he signed her the night he met her at a club. Im sure she did more than Pon De Replay for him that night....but hey, thats none of my business. All im sayin is, if a girl gives me herpes and embarrases me infront of my trillions of fans, the passanger seat of my BLUE LAMBORGINI is not the seat you wanna sit fist extends at a wide range in that im just sayin.

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